Use of assistive devices
1.01 Cliplight Manufacturing Co. welcomes all customers and the broader public to our facility by committing our staff to providing our goods and services that respect the independence and dignity of people with disabilities. Such access to goods and services incorporate measures that include but are not limited to the use of assistive devices. Customers with disabilities are welcome to use their own personal assistive devices on our premises unless not allowed by law.
2.01 The purpose of this Statement of Policy and Procedure is to ensure that people with disabilities are welcome on public premises with assistive devices. Cliplight Manufacturing Co. does not offer specific assistive devices at this time.
3.01 This policy applies to all employees and all facilities of Cliplight Manufacturing Co. in Ontario.
4.01 Managers, supervisors, and department heads will ensure that staff are trained to support customers and the broader public who may use assistive devices while accessing our facilities so that we can provide our goods and services.
4.02 It is the responsibility of the managers and/or immediate supervisors and/or department heads to ensure that all employees follow the guidelines set out in this policy.
5.01 “Assistive devices” are any devices used by persons with disabilities to help with daily living and tasks such as auxiliary aids, communication aids, cognition aids, personal mobility aids and medical aids. Assistive devices include a range of products such as wheelchairs, walkers, white canes, crutches, oxygen tanks, hearing aids and other electronic communication devices.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
7.01 Staff training is focused on how to interact with people using assistive devices rather than on the technical use of the assistive devices. However, if we provide assistive devices in the future, staff will be trained on how to help customers with disabilities understand how to use those devices.
7.02 Assistive devices carried by persons with disabilities: Cliplight Manufacturing Co. websites will indicate that all facilities that provide goods and services respect the independence and dignity of people with disabilities and offer services that include the welcome of assistive devices.
7.03 Cliplight Manufacturing Co.’s facility that is open to the public will post information in the front office/reception area or entrance that the company welcomes the use of assistive devices and encourages users to seek support from staff as they require it.
7.04 Assistive devices/services made available by Cliplight Manufacturing Co.: Websites will indicate the availability of assistive devices provided by the company to assist in provision of services and access to goods to people with disabilities. These could include: ex: telephones with large numbers, amplifiers. This could also include alternative assistive services such electronic transmission, oral interpretation, or alternative service methods such as assistance of a staff person to complete a transaction.
7.05 If the company acquires assistive devices: The Company’s facility that is open to the public will post information in the front office/reception area or entrance that indicates the availability of assistive devices/services and encourages users to seek support from staff as they require it.
7.06 Employees must not touch or move a person’s assistive device without the person’s permission. If you do have his or her permission, do not move the device out of the user’s reach.
7.07 Practice consideration and safety. Do not leave the person in an awkward, dangerous or undignified position, such as facing a wall or in the path of opening doors.
7.08 Let the person know about accessible features in the immediate environment should Cliplight Manufacturing Co. have assistive devices to offer.